
These 5 stories are interlocked by the central theme of being trapped. In the case of Kelvin Lazarro and Melody Roker Sims, this entrapment came in the form of imprisonment. Helen Geslak also experience prison first-hand. The other two stories are ones of abuse. These stories weave together seamlessly as the emotional ensanrement that Amanda Topping and Erika Vasquez mirrors the physical prison in which Kelvin Lazarro, Melony Roker Sims and Helen Geslak experience. These stories also overlap in the types of entrapment. For Kelvin Lazarro, he was sentenced to twenty-three hour lockdown and could only see his famly once a week; in the same manner, Amanda Topping was never allowed to leave her home unless accompanied by her boyfriend. Amanda Topping experienced physical beatings, just as the other female in "Roll Up" and Kelvin Lazarro in jail. All three stories from prison  entail a certain loss of time, or a "pause button" on life as Captain Geslak says. "A Childhood Taken" is an entrapment brought on by sexual abuse, which is a common theme in prison and abusive relationships. For Erika Vasquez, when she closes her eyes, she is brought to the past, which is her traumatic experience, and for Kelvin Lazarro, he is brought to the past, breakfast with his family. For Amanda Topping and Kelvin Lazarro, their families are their respite from the painfulness of their lives. Amanda Topping escapes her relationship to her family and Kelvin Lazarro does so to be comforted. All in all, these stories all intertwine in various ways but the overarching theme is entrapment. These stories encompass soul-crushing situations that hold them hostage, whether prison or abuse.